Friday, August 28, 2009

Say my name. Say my name.

So let's say there is a child in the middle of the street and a car is bearing down on the child at high speeds. The mother is standing on the street corner. The mother claims to love the child more than almost anything else in life. Now, all the child has to do is say that he loves his mother too, and the mother will happily and quickly whisk the child away from the impending danger. The consequence of the child not admitting that he loves his mother is that the child is run over, and the mother is broken hearted because she loved the child more than anything.

1.) Does our society recognize the mother's actions as love?
2.) Does our society recognize the rescue as a "free gift."?
3.) Does our society recognize the mother as a morally good person?
4.) Does our society believe that the mother considers the acknowledgment of love by the child a moral act?

I think the above is a facebook quiz in the making.


  1. Socially speaking what the child thinks is irrelevant. Either the mother saves the child and society celebrates the illusion or the mother doesn't and society mourns their failures and then create sports with no fucking scoring.

  2. I got a score, bus 1 child 0.

  3. I believe, according to society, that makes you a Nazi.
