Sunday, October 18, 2009

Do you think the decorations should have decorations? I'm torn.

It has been gorgeous weather on every day but the weekends since I got here, but no more! I went down to the city center yesterday and took pictures of the Royal Pavilion (the important, famous building that looks really out of place). That picture was taken out of misplaced social dogma.

Take pictures of the big weird building and then you can say that you took a bit of it back with you, and are ironically less weird for it.

The mummified cat requires no such inbred idolatry. And I love her for it. Isobel, you always knew your innards would go in a jar, your life essence guarded by the concubines of the underworld.

And while I circled the Ancient Egyptian section of the museum like a fat kid a lolly, I picked up other equally irrelevant information.

The actual pretty pictures of the city will come soon!

1 comment:

  1. That is the single awesomest museum quote I've read all morning!
